
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

And on the 5th day of spring we got hit with a snowstorm. If you listen carefully you can hear the collective "what the eff?" It's freezing cold and there's stinking snow everywhere. The only plus is the doggies love it & are hilarious out playing in piles of snow.  I'm pretty sure they'd get over it if it went away though {hint, hint mother nature}.

I hope you all had a delightful weekend. As you know, the w4w event was this weekend. We had a really nice time. A friend of mine who makes crazy delish & cute cookies came along and we shared our lil table set up. It was a really nice event, but I've eaten nothing but sugar cookies for the last 48 hours. Fairly certain I'll need an intervention soon.

You can take a peek at our set up below & if anyone knows of any other events like this or would like to be part of the next one {or want to order some cookies} drop me a line. In the meantime, go kicks Tuesday's ass.

p.s. I had the cutest business cards made just in time for w4w, check back this week for details & my two cents on how to design your own.


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